Departament de Física Aplicada
universitat politècnica de catalunya

Nonlinear Physics and Far from Equilibrium Systems

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Publications Angelina Peñaranda Ayllón

1- Valence-bond treatment of distortions in polyacene polymers
M. A. García -Bach, A. Peñaranda, D. J. Klein
Physical Review B 45, 10891 (1992)

2- Transition of superconducting spheres under external magnetic field
A. Peñaranda,C. E. Auguet and L. Ramirez-Piscina
Anales de Física. 4, 291 (1998)

3.-Pattern formation in bacterial colonies
A.M. Lacasta, I.R. Cantalapiedra, C.E. Auguet and A. Penaranda,
Anales de Física 4, 105 (1998).

4- Transitions in disordered suspensions of superconducting granules under external magnetic field
A. Penaranda, C.E. Auguet and L. Ramirez-Piscina
Solid State Communications 109, 227 (1999).

5- Surface field in an ensemble of superconducting spheres under external magnetic field
A. Penaranda, C.E. Auguet and L. Ramirez-Piscina
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 424, 512-522 (1999).

6- A.M. Lacasta, I.R. Cantalapiedra, C.E. Auguet, A. Penaranda and L. Ramirez-Piscina
Modelling of spatio-temporal patterns in bacterial colonies, PS file PDF file
Physical Review E 59, 7036 (1999)

7- Disordered suspensions of metastable superconducting microgranules: a simulation approach
A. Peñaranda,C. E. Auguet and L. Ramirez-Piscina
Applied Superconductivity 1999.
Ed. X. Obradors, F. Sandiumenge y J, Fontcuberta. Institute of Physics Publishing, 1, 706 (2000)

8- Diamagnetic interactions in disordered suspensions of metastable superconducting granules
A. Peñaranda,C. E. Auguet and L. Ramirez-Piscina
Particle detection & metastable superconductivity.
de. T. Girard, M.R.Gomes y P.Valko . Principia 1, 39 (2001)

9- Pattern Formation Modeling of Bacterial Colonies
I. R.Cantalapiedra,A. M. Lacasta,C. E. Auguet, A. Penyaranda and L. Ramírez-Piscina,
in Branching in nature, 14, 359
Ed. V. Fleury, J. F. Gouyet, M. Leonetti, EDP Sciences, Springer-Verlag, (2001).

10- Diamagnetic Interactions in Disordered Suspensions of Metastable Superconducting Granules
A. Penaranda, C.E. Auguet and L. Ramirez-Piscina
European Physical Journal B 25, 155-165 (2002)

11- Diamagnetic interactions in superhead-superconducting microgranules under an external magnetic field
A. Penaranda, C.E. Auguet, L. Ramirez-Piscina and T.A. Girard
Contributions to Science 2, 197-207 (2002)

12- Dynamical ordering induced by preferential transitions in Planar Arrays of Superheated Superconducting granules
A. Penaranda and L. Ramirez-Piscina
Solid State Communications 127, 395-400 (2003)

13- Simulations of Transitions in Superheated Superconducting Granules
A. Penaranda, C.E. Auguet and L. Ramirez-Piscina
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 520, 201-204 (2004)

14- Hot-border effects, ordering, and avalanches in planar arrays of superheated superconducting granules
A. Penaranda and L. Ramirez-Piscina
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 540, 188-199 (2005)

Secció del Departament de Física Aplicada EPSEB
Av. Dr. Marañón 44 - 08028 Barcelona - Tel.: 93-401 62 63 -