Spontaneous generation of a swirling plume in a stratified ambient

Marques, F., and Lopez, Juan M.

(a) T, figure 5(a). (b) η, figure 5(b).

Isotherms (left) and azimuthal vorticity (η) contours (right) of the axisymmetric periodic puffing plume state at Gr=3.5x105, Ar=Az=2, AT=1 and σ=7; there are 20 contour levels in [-0,5,0.5] for T and [-105,105] for η.

(a) T, figure 6(a). (b) η, figure 6(b).

Isotherms (left) and azimuthal vorticity (η) contours (right) of the axisymmetric periodic puffing plume state at Gr=106, Ar=Az=2, AT=1 and σ=7; there are 20 contour levels in [-0,5,0.5] for T and [-105,105] for η.

(a) Figure 12(a). (b) Figure 16.

(a) Isosurfaces of azimuthal vorticity η of the rotating wave state RW at Gr=2x105, Ar=Az=2, AT=1 and σ=7; the isosurface levels are at η= ±1000.
(b) Isosurfaces of azimuthal vorticity η of the VLF state at Gr=3.5x105, Ar=Az=2, AT=1 and σ=7; the isosurface levels are at η= ±1000.