Mode competition in modulated Taylor-Couette flow

M. Avila, M.J. Belisle, Juan M. Lopez, F. Marques and W.S. Saric

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Movies 1. Type B (non-reversing) Taylor vortex flow at ω=6.1 and Rea=240 with wavenumber kB=3.4. Angular momentum and azimuthal vorticity are shown in a meridional cross-section over a modulation period T. Red (blue) corresponds to positive (negative) values, showing r in [1,2] and z in [0,4π/kB].

Movies 2. Type A (reversing) Taylor vortex flow at ω=1 and Rea=240 with wavenumber kA=3.0. Angular momentum and azimuthal vorticity are shown in a meridional cross-section over a modulation period T. Red (blue) corresponds to positive (negative) values, showing r in [1,2] and z in [0,4π/kA].